Erebus v3 or nyx
Erebus v3 or nyx

Poets often imagined her clad in finery symbolizing her nocturnal dominion: a black robe studded with stars, a wreath of poppy, or with black wings growing from her shoulders. Nyx rode through the heavens on a chariot drawn by black horses after Helios (the sun) had completed his daytime journey in some accounts, she was accompanied by Sleep personified, who held the reins, and the dreams and stars moved in her baggage train. The Romans associated Nyx with the hellish realm of death, magic, and witchcraft. She was viewed as an extremely powerful goddess or cosmic force: Homer described her as she who “bends to her sway both gods and men,” a goddess feared even by Zeus. Attributes Functions and CharacteristicsĪs the personification of night, Nyx was associated with darkness (similar to her husband Erebus, himself the personification of darkness). The Roman equivalent of Nyx was called Nox (from the Latin word for “night”). Nyx was sometimes also known by names such as Euphrone or Euphrosyne, from Greek words meaning “kindly” or “cheerful.” Such euphemistic names were often applied to sinister powers as a way to placate them and neutralize their malignancy: compare the gentle title Eumenides, “Kindly Ones,” that was frequently used to invoke the grim Erinyes (“Furies”). Some of these epithets emphasized Nyx’s nocturnal aspect: epithets such as κελαινή ( kelainḗ), μέλαινα ( mélaina), and ἐρεβεννή ( erebennḗ), all of which mean “dark” or “black ” some epithets, such as ἱερά ( hierá, “holy”) and ἀμβροσίη ( ambrosíē, “ambrosial, divine”), highlighted Nyx’s importance as a goddess, while other epithets, such as ὀλοή ( oloḗ, “ruinous”), highlighted the dread that the Greeks (like many others) associated with the night. Nyx had a handful of epithets and alternative names. Almost all Indo-European languages employ a similar word for night (e.g., the Latin nox, the Gothic nahts, the Sanskrit nák, and the Lithuanian naktìs). Nýx) is simply the Greek word meaning “night.” The word itself is derived from the Proto-Indo-European * nekwt-/ nokwt- (“night”) or * negwh- (“become dark”). But, please don't sell them.The name “Nyx” (Greek Νύξ, translit. If you print them yourself, costs are less 15€. You could 3Dprint, cut or mill them cheep by yourself or via 3rd party crafters/services. If you like them, PM me, I send you the files. Only downside: you have to descrew the original wooden panels.

erebus v3 or nyx erebus v3 or nyx

I ended up with something more polite using also minimal tabletop space. First I was a fan of 30° & 60° angels, but the space between was way too big (>5cm).

erebus v3 or nyx

Having different angles is problematic, because you want to have enough room for jacking any plugs in, there have to be a little space between the two devices. I did some prototypes and ended up with this design ( I recently designed a dual-stand for my Dreadbox Erebus v3 & Nyx v2: If you are still interested in those stands.

erebus v3 or nyx

I'd prefer to have them each at slightly different angles so they end up taking up a little less tabletop space. I just recently picked up a Nyx v2 I already have a Erebus v3 (same size), so I am curious if anyone has experience with a stand that would elevate and angle both of them some so I can have them in front of my Keystep.

Erebus v3 or nyx